ATAD journal aims to submit original studies in history's social, cultural, political, and economic fields and the interdisciplinary relations between the science of history and history.
ATAD Journal is open to studies that can offer new perspectives not only in history but also in various social science disciplines such as History of Religions, History of Sects, Regional Studies, Political Science, International Relations and Political Science, International Relations and Foreign Policy. We particularly welcome critical analyses and research that can make theoretical and methodological contributions to these fields. Moreover, we provide opportunities for book reviews and article translations that cover these disciplines or interdisciplinary fields.
ATAD continues to publish scientific studies twice a year through DergiPark. By adopting an open-access policy, ATAD provides free access to scientific studies published in the journal.
The studies to be sent to ATAD Journal should be prepared in the following format.
It is crucial that your article is uploaded to the site in Word format using the provided template. Articles that do not adhere to this template or the specified spelling rules will be rejected. There should be a minimum of 4000 words and a maximum of 8000 words excluding the references.
To access the required template, please click on the 'Article Template' link.
When submitting your study, please remember to include a similarity report. This report is a crucial part of the submission process as it helps us ensure the originality of your work.
Page Layout:
1. A4 Vertical, Margins should be 3-bottom, 2-left-right.
2. When creating the text, top and bottom should be selected as 6 pt from the paragraph text box in the Word program.
3. Line spacing should be selected as single.
Font Family:
1. Palatino Linotype,
2. Main headings 11
3. The text should be written in 10 point size.
Each study should consist of the following main headings in order;
The article title is a crucial element that should clearly reflect the content and be comprehensive. The first letter of each word, except for conjunctions, should be written in capital letters. The English title should also be given immediately below the title of the article, emphasizing the importance of a well-crafted title.
The abstract is a concise summary of the article's purpose, scope, method, and results. It should be between 150-300 words, providing a clear and comprehensive overview of the article's content.
At least 4 keywords reflecting the integrity of the article should be determined. The Keywords section should be given immediately below the abstract section.
The introduction sets the stage for the article, providing the basis of the topic, summary information about the study's sections, its equivalent in scientific literature, the importance of the research, the research problem, and its objectives. It's a crucial part that should be detailed and informative.
In light of the importance of the research, the findings obtained should be discussed with literature and author comments. The main ideas that emerged in the light of the discussions should be explained in the conclusion section. Suggestions appropriate to the discussion and conclusion of the study should be made.
1. The principles of referencing should be prepared in accordance with MLA. In-text references and citations should be given in accordance with the language of the full text.
The template above should be based on and arranged according to the spelling rules. Click for spelling rules
1. Additional tables, figures, graphics and pictures should be given on a new page after the references. Each appendix should be classified as Appendix 1., Appendix 2. and each appendix should be titled separately.
Tables and Figures
2. Table and Figure title and text features should be given considering the structure in the examples in the template. Table titles should be shown above the table, and Figure titles should be shown below the figure.
3. Tables should be created justified to the text borders.
4. Table titles and text 10 Point
5. Table and Number Bold E.g. Table 1.
6. Table Title If the figure is in a graphic and editable format, the title and insets should be 10 point.
Authorship Criteria
You can access the “Publication Rights Transfer Form” from the publication principles page for all authors.
Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
ATAD is published electronically as a “Refereed Journal” on the ULAKBİM DergiPark platform, 2 issues per year.
Articles sent for publication in ATAD must not have been previously published or sent for publication elsewhere. Studies previously presented at congresses are accepted provided that this is stated. If the article includes some of the topics in a previously published article by the author(s), this must be stated and a copy of the previous article must be sent along with the new article.
All articles undergo a rigorous review process, including a scan by the Dergipark similarity program. The Editor or Editorial Board Member has the authority to ensure that only articles meeting our high publication standards are published. This may involve sending articles back to the author(s) for correction, editing them in format, or rejecting them. The Editor or Editorial Board Member then sends the article they deem appropriate to the advisor(s) for review. If necessary, corrections may be requested from the author(s). Requesting corrections from the author does not mean that the article will be published. These corrections must be completed and sent to the journal within 15 days at the latest. Otherwise, it will be evaluated as a new application. The responsible author will be informed whether the article has been accepted or rejected.
All works sent for publication in the journal are examined in the similarity program. This examination is conducted with fairness and transparency, ensuring that the plagiarism/similarity rate is at most 15%.
· The ethical, scientific, and legal responsibilities of the articles published in the journal are of utmost importance. They belong to the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions of the Editor and Editorial Board members. This commitment ensures the integrity and quality of our publication.
· Whether accepted for publication in the journal or not, the writing material is not returned to the authors. No royalties are paid for articles published in the journal.
Journal Written Language
The journal is published in Turkish and English. Articles in Turkish should include English abstracts. During the article preparation, authors are encouraged to use the Turkish Language Association ( for guidance on Turkish language usage.
Authorship Criteria
As part of our authorship criteria, all authors are required to sign the 'Publication Rights Transfer Form' and upload it to the system. This form outlines the responsibilities and rights of the authors, including the transfer of copyrights to the journal upon publication.
“The author(s) whose names are given below, actively participated in the writing, planning, and data analysis stages of the article titled “……………….” and we declare that we accept all kinds of responsibility related to this study. This article and another study with similar content to this article have not been published anywhere or sent for publication. We also guarantee to send all data related to the article to the editors if necessary. In the event that ATAD Journal evaluates and publishes this article, I declare and accept that we transfer all our copyrights related to the article to ATAD Journal. As authors, I undertake that the Editor and Editorial Board members of ATAD Journal have no responsibility in the event of any claims or lawsuits to be filed by third parties due to copyright infringement. In addition, I undertake that there is no criminal element or illegal expression in the article, that no illegal material or method was used during the research, that we have obtained all legal permissions related to the study, and that we have acted in accordance with ethical rules.
1. Author Name and Surname:
2. Author “ “ :
ATAD does not charge authors article publishing fees, and no fee is requested. Scientific studies published in ATAD are published free of charge.
Our journal is a member of CrossRef. Journal of Academic History and Research is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence©